Here you can find information about the benefits of being a member of Finnish Sauna Society
New memberships
Interest towards the Society has been significant in recent years, and the number of members has increased by 50–170 annually. This has led to a rise in the Vaskiniemi saunas’ usage rate, and as such the Executive Committee therefore stated at its meeting 3/2018 that a further increase of memberships should be limited. This will allow the Society to ensure a pleasant bathing experience to all the users of Vaskiniemi’s saunas.
You can find the link to membership application https://www.flomembers.com/saunaseura/members/application?_lang=en
Membership benefits
As a member, you can:
- bathe in the Society’s saunas for a members’ price
- invite one guest at a time to visit the sauna for a guest price
- have the Sauna magazine delivered to your home four times a year
- arrange sauna presentations at the Society’s premises, as agreed
- participate in the Society’s other activities.
Membership fees
A private individual’s joining and membership fees:
- The joining fee is €400 and the membership fee is €125.
- A youth member (aged 15–21) is only required to pay the membership fee when joining.
The membership fee of a community or a company is €500 for a non-profit organisation and €2,000 for a business. The Society has honorary members, permanent members, full members and community members.
Resignation/Expulsion from the Society
A member may resign from the Society by notifying the Executive Director in writing (an email message is also accepted). If a Society member fails to pay the annual fee or behaves in a way contrary to the approved sauna etiquette, the Executive Committee may expel them.
A right to use the Society’s saunas may be restricted if a member fails to pay the annual fee or follow the rules and guidelines regarding good sauna manners, approved by the Society. A previously resigned or expelled member may re-join the Society. They must apply for a membership from the Executive Committee, have two recommenders and pay the membership and joining fees set by the Society.
Change of address
Members should keep their address information up to date to ensure that their membership remains valid and the Sauna magazine is delivered to the correct address. You can update your member’s details through our membership records once you have activated your access right. If you have not yet done the activation, please contact toimisto@sauna.fi.
Membership records
The Society keeps a record of its members, in accordance with the Associations Act.